Yea Though We Walk
We take our daily walks
through Queen of Heaven
and I find myself inured—
forgetting or not minding the decay
six feet beneath my own.
The horror that would rouse
Any other place
Is here removed, germane—
Put to sleep beneath silk flowers.
As days go by my excuses thin
For why he cannot play in the lush grass
(as if he could disturb the dead!
If any part of them is there,
I think his shouts of joy
Would be a welcome noise.)
I mull the ways I could explain
This place to three years’ ears—
“a park for dead people”
clunks around in my brain—
is that the best I’ve got?
And so for now we walk.
I point out the statue of Jesus’ Mommy
In her blue coat
And we try to catch some mist
From where the sprinklers bless
The vacant earth.
Someday that space will all be filled,
But that day is not yet.
Another poem that I love, Sarah. The last time I was in a cemetery (January) I had a lot of the same thoughts about what a paradox it is... how death and decay is almost safe and sterile in that place... not really, but we need to view it that way... and I love the hope at the end. Beautiful, keep them coming.